Human Uniqueness

29 Jul 2019

I am undeniably a perfectionist and can get annoyed by people invading my space especially when I am following the rules and they are not. I have had multiple roommates through college and grad school. I have been annoyed/ticked by them for one thing or another. Although I have learned to be more accepting of the fact that humans are all different. It would be impossible to expect a perfect match for me. The bottom line is they have to nice to my cat.

Walking on the streets of New York, which unlike my birth city Hong Kong, are organized in grids. This means that one walks in a straight line along an Avenue or a Street. I have been getting irrtating lately by how people are unable to walk in a straight line especially during rush hours. It’s impossible to pass the “human wall”. Sure, perhaps I shouldn’t get so easily agitated since we all have different goals, priorities, destinations, and so on, but it provokes me to think about a world where “we” all follow rules and the work and goals are well-distributed towards an efficient society.

Are we, humans, unique?

When we become better at creating AIs, will we be able to build AIs that are creative like us? Will they be able to simulate human emotions? Would they be able to understand grief, happiness, fear, love, etc? Will they have consciousness? Will they be able to bond with others/would they even need to?

Sometimes I find myself a bit self-contradictory. On the one hand, I would love to see a world where everyone obey rules, on the other, I appreciate diversity and cultural differences as it teaches me something new. Am I for AI or against? (We know that regardless of how we try to impose new regulations, we will also be blinded by what we like and dislike, what our beliefs are.) Since every human being has their own desire, I anticipate impressive AIs built for different purposes, and different countries will have different sets of rules. Eventually, to build the “best” AI that “best” mimick a human, human behavioral data will have to be collected one way or another. At the moment, I cannot fathom how AI would be able to replicate humans.

But sooner or later, we will all be walking in straight lines.

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